This command adds the user certificate at the location specified with the -cert parameter to the Oracle wallet at the wallet_location. Orapki wallet add -wallet wallet_location -user_cert -cert certificate_location To add a user certificate to an Oracle wallet, use the following command: You can specify a key size for this root certificate ( -keySize) of 512, 1024, or 2048 bits. The -validity parameter (mandatory) specifies the number of days, starting from the current date, that this certificate will be valid. This command creates a new self-signed (root) certificate and adds it to the wallet. Orapki wallet add -wallet wallet_location -dn certificate_dn -keySize 512|1024|2048 -self_signed -validity number_of_days To add a root certificate to an Oracle wallet, use the following command: You must add all trusted certificates in the certificate chain of a user certificate before adding a user certificate, or the command to add the user certificate will fail. This command adds a trusted certificate, at the specified location ( -cert certificate_location), to a wallet. Orapki wallet add -wallet wallet_location -trusted_cert -cert To add a trusted certificate to an Oracle wallet, use the following command: See Also: "Exporting Certificates and Certificate Requests from Oracle Wallets with orapki" for more information
The command prompts you to enter the password for the PKCS#12 wallet, if no password has been specified at the command line. This command creates a wallet with auto login enabled ( cwallet.sso) and associates it with a PKCS#12 wallet ( ewallet.p12). Orapki wallet create -wallet wallet_location -auto_login To create an auto login wallet ( cwallet.sso) that is associated with a PKCS#12 wallet ( ewallet.p12), use the following command:
Any update to the PKCS#12 wallet also updates the associated auto login wallet. However, you must supply the password for the associated PKCS#12 wallet in order to modify or delete the wallet.

The auto login wallet does not need a password to open. You can also create an auto login wallet that is associated with a PKCS#12 wallet.

File system permissions provide the necessary security for such auto login wallets. You can also modify or delete the wallet without using a password. This command creates an auto login wallet ( cwallet.sso) that does not need a password to open. Orapki wallet create -wallet wallet_location -auto_login_only To create an auto login wallet ( cwallet.sso) that does not need a password, use the following command:
If you choose -complete, it will display additional certificate information, including the serial number and public key. If you choose -summary, the command will display the certificate and its expiration date. You can choose either -summary or -complete, which determines how much detail the command will display.

This command enables you to view a test certificate that you have created with orapki. Orapki cert display -cert certificate_location To view a certificate, use the following command: Specifying a certificate and certificate request is mandatory for this command. The -validity parameter specifies the number of days, starting from the current date, that this certificate will be valid. The -wallet parameter specifies the wallet containing the user certificate and private key that will be used to sign the certificate request. This command creates a signed certificate from the certificate request. Orapki cert create -request certificate_request_location -cert certificate_location -validity number_of_days To create a signed certificate for testing purposes, use the following command: The orapki utility provides a convenient, lightweight way to create signed certificates for testing purposes. E.2 Creating Signed Certificates for Testing Purposes